Ja, richtig gelesen. Dominator, der gerade erst ausgestiegen war, ist zurück an der DARK FUNERAL Artillerie. Sein Kommentar dazu:
„After a short break of focusing on other aspects of my life, it’s a great privilege for me to announce my return to Dark Funeral. The time off has fueled my inspiration and urge to get back behind the kit and annihilate. It’s an honour to play alongside my fellow brothers again. May Dark Funeral rise to Dominate once more.“
Lord Ahriman comments: „It feels absolutely killer to be working with Dominator again. He’s not only an amazing drummer, but also a very good friend. And I’m glad he’s back in the band. A massive welcome back brother! Now, let’s together set the world ablaze and conquer the universe once and for all!“
Chaq Mol comments: „Finally, a missing brother is back from his walkabout. And the search for a drummer is officially over. Once again we have the honor to play with the best drummer ever. Welcome back Dominator, my brother!“
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