FEAR FACTORY: brennender Tourbus

In den frühen Morgenstunden mußten Fear Factory und die Crew aus dem brennenden Tourbus flüchen.

Dino Cazares kommentiert:
We just finished playing a sold out show in Sheffield England and we were on our way to London Airport to drop someone off. Everyone was asleep accept 2 crew. At about 3:30 am The bus driver noticed smoke coming from the back right wheel. He stopped,  jumped out and noticed a flame underneath the wheel well. He tried to extinguish it but the flames were to much. Everyone was woken up by one of our crew yelling get everyone up and out of the bus. Everyone grabbed there bags and ran off the bus .. We stood on the Side of the freeway going thank god we all made it out . Until someone noticed our merchandise guy was still asleep on the bus so our good friend ran back on the smoked filled bus and got him out just minutes before the bus was completely in flames. Our eyes are burning and we were all coughing from the smoke. Some of us lost wallets, money, computers etc.. But that’s not important compared to our lives. It only took about 20 to 30 minutes for the bus to be completely covered in flames. The fire trucks and the police finally arrived but it was to late to save anything on the bus. I hope they saved our trailer with the gear?
A coach bus picked us up and brought us to a nearby hotel.
We found out early this morning that the trailer was saved :-) and the bus is just a metal frame on the side of the road. They had to scrape up what was left of the bus from the road because it melted into the pavement.“


Quelle: Plastichead Music Distribution

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