Die aus New Haven, CT stammenden Black Metaller von IPSISSIMUS legen derzeit letzte Hand an ihr Metal Blade Debüt „The Way of Descent“, welches dieses Frühjahr über Metal Blade Records veröffentlicht wird.
Schlagzeuger Haimatokharmes hat folgendes Update veröffentlicht: „IPSISSIMUS‘ debut album with Metal Blade will be entitled The Way of Descent – the title aims to encapsulate the lyrical matter of the new songs, which deal with various katagogic themes in Gnostic, Luciferian, and Merkavah traditions as applied to Left Hand ethics and praxis. We finished the recording in October and the beginning of November at Sonic Environments Studios with our ’sonic alchemist,‘ (producer and mixer) Jeff Weed. It’s an interesting sound, at turns raw and filthy, yet also warm and spacious, which I suppose is fitting for hymns to the abyss. Expect some traditional black, melodic riffage a la the ‚Fatima‘ material as well as the occasional avant-garde element – I believe this will be the first black metal album to employ a waterphone“
Tichondrius: Bass / Vocals
Haimatokharmes: Drums
His Emissary: Guitar
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